Main » 2008 » February » 7 » Vista ne shqip
12:28 PM
Vista ne shqip
Qendra për Edukim dhe Përparim (QEP) ka bërë të ditur se ka realizuar me sukses lokalizimin e Windows Vista-s në gjuhën shqipe.
Lokalizimin e sistemit operativ Windows Vista në gjuhën shqipe, QEP-i, siç bëhet e ditur në një komunikatë për media, e ka realizuar në bashkëpunim me Institutin e Gjuhësisë dhe Letërsisë në Tiranë, me Alba-Softin etj.

Po ashtu në këtë komunikatë është bërë e ditur se, e gjithë puna është bërë për nevojat e klientëve të Microsoft-it dhe të gjitha të drejtat janë të rezervuara nga Microsoft-i.

Shtegun për shkarkim të Windows Vista-s në gjuhën shqipe mund ta gjeni në faqen e QEP-it
Views: 979 | Added by: baod | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 2
2 Ciceralves  
The tenth slide on the presentation is espeically troubling. It uses the Parable of the Wedding Banquet to establish some sort of Christian perspective on the Constitutional principle of cruel and unusual punishment. In the parable, a wedding guest who shows up without proper wedding attire is tied up hand and foot and thrown into the outer darkness, where there will be a weeping and gnashing of teeth.Now if the parable is taken literally, then surely any rational, critical thinker would conclude that the punishment is cruel and unusual for a dress code violation, and thus the Bible endorses such remedies.On the other hand, if the parable is a metaphor (which parables are, after all), then the story is pointing out that those who do not prepare for the coming of Christ will go to hell. Now that's a fairly standard belief in some Christian circles, and if the Southern Baptist Convention and its members want to interpret the parable that way, they're not being particularly unreasonable, although there are other Christian views (equally or more reasonable, in my view) on heaven / hell.HOWEVER, if the religious / metaphorical interpretation of the parable is to be used as a basis for analyzing the Constitutional principle of cruel and unusual (legal / secular) punishment, then the lesson would make sense only in a theocracy, the establishment of which is, it would seem, the ultimate goal of the SBC and its indoctrination of students into pseudo critical thinking.

1 Rodrigo  
Chairman Ben S. Bernanke, We Are Opting Out of Credit.All of Our Economic Problems Find They Root in the Existence of Credit.Out of the $5,000,000,000,000 given out to the banks, that is $1,000 for every inhabitant of this pleant, what is it exactly that WE, The People, got?A Credit Free, Free Market Economy Is Possible.Both Dynamic on the Short Run & Stable on the Long Run.I Propose, Hence, to Lead for You an Exit Out of Credit:Let me outline for you my proposed strategy: [A Tract Intended For my Fellows Economists].If Risk Free Interest Rates Are at 0.00% Doesn't That Mean That Credit is Worthless?Since credit based currencies are managed by setting interest rates, on which all control has been lost, are they managed anymore?We Need, Hence, Cancel All Interest Bearing Debt and Abolish Interest Bearing Credit.In This Age of Turbulence The People Wants an Exit Out of Credit: An Adventure in a New World Economic Order.The other option would be to wait till most of the productive assets of the economy get physically destroyed either by war or by rust.It will be either awfully deadly or dramatically long.A price none of us can afford to pay. The current crisis can be overcome only by developing a sense of common purpose. The alternative to a new international order is chaos. - Henry A. KissingerLet me provide you with a link to my press release for my open letter to you: I am, Mr Chairman, Yours Sincerely,Shalom P. Hamou AKA 'MC Shalom'Chief Economist - Master ConductorTel: +972 54 441-7640

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