Main » 2008 » February » 29 » Monitore ASUS
6:46 PM
Monitore ASUS

Asus MK221H, MK221S dhe MK241H

Kompania Asus ka prezantuar tri modele të monitorave me diagonale 22 inch dhe 24 inch. Modelet MK221H, MK221S dhe MK241H karakterizohen me dizajn widescreen, kamerë 1.3 megapiksela dhe altoparlantë me fuqi prej 2W. Janë kompatibil me Vista, posedojnë përkrahje HDCP dhe karakterizohen me teknologjinë Color Rich. Monitorët prej 22 inch kanë rezolucion baz 1680x1050, kohë të përgjigjes prej 2 ms dhe kontrast prej 5000:1. Modelin 24 inch e karakterizon rezolucioni 1920x1200 piksela dhe kontrasti 3000:1 kurse koha e përgjigjes është e njejtë me atë 22 inch.
Views: 773 | Added by: baod | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 2
2 Fatma  
Dan, you are correct that the DHE is not more acutrace and that is not the point. It is a retranslation. Retranslation is a kind of speculation about what the Hebrew (really Aramaic, but Franz Delitzsch didn't try for Aramaic but sought a classical Hebrew retranslation) might have been. FWIW, Maurice Casey has done this for a limited number of sayings in Aramaic (The Aramaic Sources of Mark's Gospel).The point of the DHE, as I understand it, is fourfold:(1) To produce a Jewish version of the gospels,(2) To enable the reading of the gospels in congregation in the holy language,(3) To provide some speculation about what Hebrew (Aramaic) idioms might lie behind the Greek gospels (Yeshua taught in Aramaic, but his biographers wrote in Greek),and (4) To provide an English version which brings out the Jewish terminology appropriate for the sort of things Yeshua spoke about.Derek Leman

1 Jan  
Dan, you are correct that the DHE is not more aaccrute and that is not the point. It is a retranslation. Retranslation is a kind of speculation about what the Hebrew (really Aramaic, but Franz Delitzsch didn't try for Aramaic but sought a classical Hebrew retranslation) might have been. FWIW, Maurice Casey has done this for a limited number of sayings in Aramaic (The Aramaic Sources of Mark's Gospel).The point of the DHE, as I understand it, is fourfold:(1) To produce a Jewish version of the gospels,(2) To enable the reading of the gospels in congregation in the holy language,(3) To provide some speculation about what Hebrew (Aramaic) idioms might lie behind the Greek gospels (Yeshua taught in Aramaic, but his biographers wrote in Greek),and (4) To provide an English version which brings out the Jewish terminology appropriate for the sort of things Yeshua spoke about.Derek Leman

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